Monday, March 12, 2007

Typography as Image

When designers use type to create the illusion of image, it usually gets my attention. These are some examples that caught my eye lately.

They are both headlines for magazine articles. One plays on the "eye chart" theme. I liked the idea and the composition, but I thought the message was a little muddy, considering the context. The article is for men dressing to impress women, but this treatment suggests it's going to be something about eyesight or "looking closer."

The sandwich headline works very well. Whimsical, easy to read, and telegraphs the article content perfectly. And I love the byline serving as a toothpick through the olive. What a way to put your type to work.


Emily said...

Hey, I really love the sandwich! Especially the toothpick through the olive. But I have to say, I originally read this as "sandwiches that will chance your life," which is kind of ominous.

ayah said...

The sandwich is GREAT! Simple & clever. I especially like the olive.