Monday, February 26, 2007

Good times rolling

How's this for cause-and-effect as a strategy? Give money to the Knights of Columbus, and this guy gets a wheelchair. It makes him so happy, he gives a "thumbs up." I'm sure there is a lot of good being done, but something about the visual and the headline made me laugh.

However . . . I think the call to action is effective, because it is specific. "Each $75 donation will deliver a wheelchair to a child, teen or adult without mobility." I've seen other charities use this approach, specifying a dollar amount and equating it with a direct result. Seems to me like a pretty strong tactic, since it's human nature to know where your money is going.


justjill said...

That's pretty cool! I do like knowing exactly how much of my money goes to the actual charity I donate to...
I finally found out the red campaign with the red Razor phone, donates $15 per phone... I think. At least thats what they say.
That is one happy wheelchair having guy!

Jared said...

He looks quite excited to have his new wheelchair. I think this would be an effective strategy for everyone to implement into their work for this project. The specific call to action and cause and effect really hit the nail on the head.